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Armenia recorded a historical counter-record with the "Education Achievement" sub-index. The negative developments in the sector are caused by the policies of the current government. "Luys" Foundation

"Luys" Foundation analyzed the 2023 RA gender inequality report published by the World Economic Forum. the index.

"Armenia 2023 the index of gender inequality, 72.1%, has not changed compared to the previous year, but the position of our country in the ranking table has worsened by 3 positions (64th compared to 61st in 2022). Considering that the index has continuously increased in previous years since 2015 (with the exception of the pandemic year 2020), the "stagnation" recorded in 2023 gives cause for reflection.

Armenia's index exceeds its global average level. One of the 4 sub-indexes included in Armenia's index, the "Health and life expectancy" sub-index, is below its global average level.

Armenia recorded a historical "contradiction" with the "Education Achievement" sub-index, its value this year is the lowest in all 17 years. By the way, compared to last year in Armenia, in 2023 there was a decrease of 0.8 percentage points in this sub-index, which is considered a very sharp change for this sub-index. it is no coincidence that because of this, the ranking position of this sub-index deteriorated by 48 positions at once. The reason for the decrease is the decline recorded in the index of involvement in the primary education system. it was 98.2% compared to 99.8% in 2022, as a result of which Armenia registered a drop of 33 positions in terms of this indicator.

The negative developments in the field of education, perhaps, indicate that the policy pursued by the current authorities in this field has, on the contrary, a negative impact on the legacy of the Soviet era in the field of education.

Among the 7 countries of the "Central Asia" region, Armenia is the leader, as Moldova and Belarus, whose index is traditionally higher, have been included in another group since this year.

According to the global gender inequality index and its position in the world, Armenia, a member of EAEU, is second only to Belarus among the countries included in the report.

Global Gender Inequality 2023 According to the index, Armenia surpasses neighboring countries due to the "Political participation" sub-index, in which Armenia ranks first. In the "Economic participation and opportunities" sub-index, Armenia is inferior to its neighbors Azerbaijan and Georgia, and in the "Achievement of education" sub-index, it is the leader with Georgia. In terms of the "Health and life expectancy" sub-index, Armenia is not inferior only to Azerbaijan."

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