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Artak Beglaryan answered Pashinyan

Former Minister of State of Artsakh Artak Beglaryan writes on his Facebook page. " In response to RA Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan's statement at the last press conference

It is absurd and dangerous to claim that Artsakh Armenians do not want to accept RA citizenship in order not to serve in the RA armed forces. why

1. Since October, thousands of Artsakh citizens wanted to join the military service, but they were refused, forcing them to accept citizenship. I am sure that in case of need, regardless of legal status, the vast majority of Artsakh residents will take up arms and defend the Armenian Motherland.

2. In the coming years, the number of boys of the age of military service among the Artsakh Armenians will not exceed several thousand. Therefore, the logic of Pashinyan's argument is incomprehensible, why the majority of the people do not want to accept citizenship if there are no sons of military service age in their families.

3. In fact, in addition to the fears of a social nature, the vast majority fear that, by accepting RA citizenship, the prospect of returning to Artsakh may be closed. Therefore, if you want the people of Artsakh to accept RA citizenship en masse, then you must ensure the political demand and steps for our collective return from the RA side. A citizen of Artsakh wants to live in Artsakh in a safe and dignified way, and there is no need to put that opportunity under additional pressure.

4. We must be very careful not to promote additional negative feelings towards the people of Artsakh, avoiding unreasonable and artificial generalizations."

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