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Today, at 18:00, there will be a rally in front of the National Assembly, the organizer is the newly created "Bruntsk Ber" movement.

"We call on the citizens of the Republic of Armenia to gather tomorrow, April 20, at 18:00 in front of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia and express their disapproval of the policy of unilaterally ceding the border areas of the Tavush region to Azerbaijan by the current administration of the Republic of Armenia.

The demarcation option and procedure presented by the administration pose serious threats and risks to the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Republic of Armenia.

We demand from the administration.

Not to change the defensive positions of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Armenia until a solution is given to the determination of the state border in the interests of the Republic of Armenia.

To carry out the determination of the state border, taking as a starting point the security of the Republic of Armenia and the fundamental rights and freedoms of the citizens of the Republic of Armenia.

To withdraw the decision of the partial border line of the state border from circulation, and to present the full border line of Armenia-Azerbaijan to the public.

At the interstate level, to record the territories to be returned to Armenia, which the Government of the Republic of Armenia has spoken about.

In case of changes in the territories of the Republic of Armenia, apply for a nationwide referendum, which is defined by Article 205 of the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia.

We do not tolerate the administration's policies and call on everyone to join and force the current administration to accept the above-mentioned demands," the statement said.

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