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Bako Sahakyan and the others in Baku prison are much freer than the Armenian authorities under this sun. You are not brave, you are cowards. Vartan Oskanian

Former RA Foreign Minister Vartan Oskanian has again addressed the issue of Armenian prisoners of war, hostages, and other detainees illegally held in Baku in a video message.

"I feel that our authorities want to turn this issue into a domestic political issue in order to maintain and strengthen their positions or hide their inaction. This issue is above all narrow interests, our primary issue should be the issue of returning those boys to their homeland," he said.

According to him, the authorities have done absolutely nothing to date, the recent little activity, the statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the Foreign Minister's speech in Geneva, any hint at this issue, are not sufficient and are only a result of the protests and, in some places, anger by the people of Armenia in recent weeks.

"It must have been 1.5 years since those boys were illegally held in a Baku prison, and the Armenian authorities, I can say with great confidence, have done nothing. The most striking proof of this was the loss of that great opportunity that the Foreign Ministry missed by not making any reference to this issue in its speech during the OSCE Ministerial Council meeting in Malta."

Bako Sahakyan, under pressure, perhaps torture, in the Baku prison, said that this was our struggle for self-determination, it was legal, and it really should be viewed on that level. Bako Sahakyan and the others in the Baku prison are much freer and independent than you, with all your power under this sun, with your diplomatic immunity. You are not independent, you are cowardly, you are unable to raise this issue in the right instances, because you are afraid and you know that all this is the result of your mistakes," he emphasized.

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