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"Baku's patience has reached a dangerous limit". Azerbaijan threatens Armenia and the EU observation mission in Armenia

The website Caliber.Az operating under the office of the President of Azerbaijan threatens RA and the EU observation mission in RA, warning that if they resume the construction of the metallurgical plant near the Nakhichevan border in Yerasakh, they will come under fire, because "Baku's patience has reached a dangerous limit". .

It is mentioned that "without coordinating with Azerbaijan", the group of the European Union Mission (EUMA) visited the metallurgical plant from Armenia with five vehicles, carrying the flag of the organization, which became known to the website.

According to the information of the website, the European "detective-observers" are trying to restart the construction of the metallurgical plant, for which Western investments were made, which Azerbaijan is against.

"The aggravation of the situation in this direction also fits into the scheme of destructive actions of the West in the South Caucasus. It is expected that EUMA will raise its flag over the nuclear power plant so that there is no fire from Azerbaijan. We immediately warn them that if this dangerous object is built on the border of Azerbaijan, it will be demolished and destroyed, along with all those who will be in its vicinity - the Armenian military and the horde of European neo-crusaders who will be on our borders...Azerbaijan's patience has reached a dangerous limit". - is mentioned in the publication.

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