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"Fact". A new instruction has been sent to the anti-Russian "centers" operating in RA

"Fact" daily writes: "According to the information we have, the anti-Russian policy pursued by the RA authorities is taking on new "shades" recently. In particular, the Russian political and official circles are quite harsh towards Nikol Pashinyan, with "outlines" of possible consequences, of which, of course, the latter is well aware. Accordingly, he is trying to implement "counter" measures, including trying to "spoil" the pro-Russian forces and figures in the Armenian political palette in all possible ways.

According to our sources, the anti-Russian "centers" operating in Armenia received a new instruction to use the information platforms controlled by them not only to lobby for the withdrawal from the CSTO and to link all the misfortunes related to Armenia and Artsakh with Moscow, but also to target those people who are involved in Armenian-Russian relations. they have a certain role of "security cushion", that is, with their connections, they are able to soften the sentiments of the ruling elite of the Russian Federation to a certain extent, to clearly carry out such actions against Armenia, the consequences of which will be borne not only by the authorities, but also by the country.

Among other people, the former Prime Minister of RA Tigran Sargsyan, who has been occupying quite high positions in the Russian Federation in recent years and is able to fulfill this function due to his connections, has also appeared in the center of the target. The anti-Russian centers were instructed to regularly publish previous stories related to his name, about which even during Pashinyan's rule, there are court rulings that he has nothing to do with it. With this method, the task was set to "cut off" the last centers of tension between Yerevan and Moscow and bring the country into a direct confrontation with the Russian Federation.

More details in today's issue of the newspaper

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