"Fact". After Pashinyan's personnel "Bartholomew Night", several people tried to explain what their boss had done.

"Fact" daily writes: "After Pashinyan's staff "Bartholomew's Night", several masked deputies rushed to explain what their boss did and address the comments being made. We won't burden the readers with quoting the "masterpieces" they uttered, but one phrase that was uttered really caught our attention.
One of those "stalwarts" said that the opposition has fears about early elections, because... "they understand that their level of approval among the public has dropped below the threshold." First of all, we were honestly surprised that they know the word "shrishak" in KP and that's what they said, not "plinth".
Let's face it, this is already a serious step forward for any fan. Maybe they heard from somewhere or read in the press, according to which there are publications about them and their activities. In short, they heard and learned that word. But that's an aside.
What representative of that "political force" is talking about the rating "lower than Shreshka"? And not only rating. That's the whole point. CP, which after defeating the country and the people, after throwing Armenia and Artsakh into the tragedy of severe losses and depatriation, clinging to power with the desperation of a drowning person, is it making a secret about the low rating of any power?
No seriously, the caps are talking about "below shresh". A group that exists solely due to the fact that there is Nikol Pashinyan, and he still occupies the seat of the prime minister. Or rating? Whether you like it or not, CP's rating is not lower than Shreshka, but it has also hit the bottom a long time ago. Yeah, it's not just about ranking, it's about other things, including level."