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"Fact". Are they still committed to denying the Armenian Genocide?

"Fact" daily writes: "It has already become a kind of commonplace that those who represent the government of Armenia speak with expressions and wordings of the enemies of our nation and state. According to that, according to the daily schedule, one day they stand out with Azerbaijani speech ("give the territories so that there is no war"), the next day they speak Turkish. Although, by and large, there is no particular difference between Azerbaijani and Turkish speech. The day before yesterday, one of the patchy hoods (by the way, the name of any of them is not important, they are all the same) opened the Pashinyan "overton window", and in this case it is more appropriate to say "overton lily". What is said is that...

Although, it is better to quote verbatim and literally the most important part of the scandalous and scandalous statement of Qpakan. "I know that the prime minister also aims to build real foundations related to the Genocide, to understand not the Genocide, but to make more objective the whole, uh, list of our compatriots subjected to the Genocide. Because until now we haven't been able to collect that nominal list and we have to focus on collecting that list with arguments...". First of all, what does the wording "Build real foundations related to Genocide..." mean, which, according to the plot, is Nikol Pashinyan's goal?

"Dog's head", first of all, is buried under that expression. In other words, according to Pashinyan and his loyal comrade-in-arms (comrades), is the huge evidential, documentary, historical, scientific research base accumulated for more than a century related to the Armenian Genocide? Is the list of victims supposed to "build real foundations"? What nonsense! In general, the statement of Pashinyan's sworn representative is worth considering in several dimensions: political, historical, technical, human, moral. Let's start with politics. Who is the official representative of the government talking about? He is talking about compiling a list of names of victims of the Armenian Genocide.

And this topic dares to be raised by the representative of a government that has not yet published the list of names of thousands of Armenian boys, RA citizens who were massacred as a result of the decisions and actions of their own government in the 44-day war they instigated (legitimized). To this day, they hide and do not publish these data. And one more thing, whoops, they suddenly remembered the names of the canonized martyrs of the Armenian Genocide. It is obvious from the obvious that this statement of Qpakan, and in fact, Nikol Pashinyan, is a Turkish narrative, to put it mildly, it is Ankara's "desire", whose undisguised goal is to deny the undeniable fact of the Armenian Genocide by the so-called "Armenian government". This is another manifestation of hostile speech.

In addition, it is directly blasphemy, because, to repeat, we are talking about canonized martyrs. Historical. First of all, there are many scientific studies, undeniable historical facts and realities, and it is no one's fault that the hoodlums or their leader Nikol Pashinyan are ignorant of all of this or pretend to be. The fact is that, despite the previous period, including 1895-96. mass pogroms, in which about 300 thousand Armenians died, as of 1915 there were about 3.5 million Armenians living in Western Armenia, in Cilicia, its cradle, and in the territory of the Ottoman Empire. The fact is that as a result of the systematic deportations and massacres carried out by the Young Turks, the Turkish state, in short, the genocide, Armenians were widely dispossessed, and a large part of them were killed or starved to death in the Syrian deserts.

Now, how, on the basis of what archives are the captors trying to find out a list of names? Naturally, a number of data, names, lists of names have been preserved in various sources. A similar example happened at the beginning of the 21st century, when the data of "New York Life Insurance" was published on the Armenians who took out life insurance in the territory of the Ottoman Empire. On the other hand, the Turkish authorities did not just exterminate the Armenians, but also destroyed the churches, parish registers (which could be used to verify name data), and other documents. According to that, the Turkish archives cannot be observed under any circumstances, because during the past 100 years successive Turkish authorities have "cleaned" them as much as possible, destroying the traces of their unforgivable crime. In general, hostile redacted archives cannot serve any purpose.

It is true that there have been attempts to collect and publish the names of all victims. According to evidence, for example, a few hundred copies of such a book were published 15 years ago. However, any reasonable person understands that compiling a complete list of the victims of the Armenian Genocide, even more than 109 years later, is almost impossible. Especially, what country are we talking about, Turkey? Or suppose they collected the data and were able to find out exactly, for example, the names of 853,446 victims. Will anything change from that? By the way, all sane people understand that the 1.5 million death toll is an approximate number, thus a reduced estimate. In fact, we do not doubt that many more Armenians died during the Genocide and not only in Western Armenia.

In other words, it turns out that if it is possible to "identify", let's say, the data of 500,000 or the aforementioned conditional 853,446 people, then how many victims were there as a result of the Genocide? Summing up, let's repeat. The main or most dangerous moment of Nikol Pashinyan's statement through his cover is that the list of names of the victims and making such a list of names is considered "the real basis of genocide". What happened is an undeniable fact, according to which it was confirmed by the testimonies of the diplomatic representatives of that time, recognized and condemned by dozens of states and international structures. And all that, according to Nikol Pashinyan, is allegedly not real? But, for Nikol Pashinyan and his followers to draw up a list of names, will that be a "real basis"? This is also why Nikol Pashinyan contrasts "historical" and "real" Armenia."

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