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"Fact". Political retaliation against professors with opposition views

"Fact" daily writes: "The new school year started yesterday. It started with pathetic congratulatory messages on the one hand, and new problems on the other, including the lack of many textbooks in schools.

Parallel to this, even the most casual study of social networks shows that dozens of professors of Yerevan State University and Brusov Linguistic University have lost their jobs. Moreover, we are talking about experienced specialists who are respected both in scientific circles and among students. All those lecturers with whom new employment contracts have not been signed are exclusively persons with oppositional views. And it is no coincidence that these professors clearly record in their notes that it is only about a political decision.

According to "Past" newspaper, several professors are going to challenge these decisions in court. We also have information that those decisions of the heads of the mentioned universities caused great dissatisfaction among the students."

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