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"Fact". What conclusion will the Armenian authorities draw?

"Fact" daily writes: "Yesterday it became known that Armenia will participate in the BRICS summit to be held in Kazan in October. To what extent the Armenian authorities have finally "come to grips" with the advantages and opportunities of BRICS integration, time will show, first of all, the circumstance at which level our country will be represented. Yesterday there were reports that Nikol Pashinyan might participate. And before that, Turkey submitted an application for full membership in BRICS. The application can be discussed at the BRICS summit in October.

What is this move by Ankara talking about? First, the fact remains that it has not been able to join the European Union for more than 35 years. But this was hardly the main reason, because the same Turkish authorities hinted years ago that they are not particularly interested in it now, with the option "it will be, it will be, it won't be, it won't be". According to experts, there are other deep reasons. It is no secret that the EU is the largest foreign market for Turkey. Now, the fact that the EU itself is in a difficult situation has probably worried the Turkish authorities.

It is natural that the volumes of imports from the EU, mainly in terms of raw material products, on which a significant part of Turkey's production capacity was built, essentially decreased by about 28 billion dollars in the last eight months alone. This has created serious problems among Turkish producers, and in parallel, domestic demand for consumer goods has increased. It is clear that it is well understood in Turkey that Western investors have significantly reduced their participation in the economy. Accordingly, in fact, Turkey is seriously committed to finding alternatives, one of which is to join BRICS.

Finally, let's not forget that the BRICS countries account for 34% of the Earth's territory and 45.2% of the population. The GDP in purchasing power equivalent made 36.7% of the world value. If we take into account that Azerbaijan also intends to join BRICS, the picture will become more than clear. It remains for the Armenian authorities to really draw conclusions from all of this."

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