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"Fact". Will the authorities start courting Russia?

"Fact" daily writes: "During the "debate" of the US presidential elections, the former president and presidential candidate Donald Trump announced that, if elected, he would pacify the situation related to the Russian-Ukrainian war, "before entering the office yet." He noted that "that war should not even have started", then accused President Biden of "pouring" unprecedentedly huge sums of money into Ukraine, about 200 billion dollars. "We shouldn't be spending this kind of money," Trump said, adding that as a result, people are dying "pointlessly and useless."

Trump also promised to reconcile Zelensky and Putin and settle the matter. This is, of course, an important statement, primarily in the sense that events throughout the campaign show that Trump is very likely to win.

The last chord is the assassination attempt on him, which has mixed interpretations, but most agree that it made him more likely to win. And what will happen in case of such an outcome? It is clear that, first of all, Russia will restore its geopolitical hegemony, which, according to experts, Trump is not against either, primarily as a figure with business thinking and business interests.

After that, naturally, Russia will deal more seriously with the South Caucasus. The authorities of Armenia also understand this and that is why, according to our information, they have started to show some "favors" towards the Russians. Moreover, our sources report that sharp pro-Russian gestures may be shown already at the beginning of autumn. The point is that, according to our information, Russia, after freeing its hands from the Ukrainian war, may support early parliamentary elections in Armenia.

Moreover, according to the conversations in the government's backstage, it may be due to the West, and 70 percent of the new parliament will be made up of pro-Russian and national forces, 30 percent - pro-Western."

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