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Good Friday

Great Lent started on February 12. The Great Lent period lasts 48 days, from the Great Carnival to St. On the eve of the Resurrection (Easter) holiday.

The week immediately following Great Lent is called Holy Saturday and includes the last important events of the Savior's earthly life: the triumphal entry into Jerusalem (Adoration), the Last Supper, the Prayer, the Passion, the Crucifixion, the Death, the Burial and finally the miraculous Resurrection - St. Easter, which this year will be celebrated on March 31.

Good Friday symbolizes the sixth day of creation, when God created Adam from dust in His image and likeness, and then created Eve from his side and placed them in Paradise. On Friday, Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, stripped themselves of glory, and the Lord punished man with a curse and expelled him from paradise. In the sixth period, God S. In the immaculate womb of a virgin, he became a perfect Man, in soul, mind and body, to perform the tasks of administration.

On Good Friday, the Lord was arrested by the betrayal of Judas, beaten and mocked, and then, taking upon Himself the curse and condemnation of Adam, dying on the cross, He opened His side, and washed away the sins of man with the water from His side, and with His blood, He redeemed us from the service of evil (Matt. 26). :47-27:56). And as his wife, Eve, was created from Adam's side, so His bride, the Church, was created from the Lord's side. Although today is joy for the souls, because by Christ's sufferings our souls were freed from hell, but physically there is mourning and sadness.

We learn from that Good Friday is the commemoration day of Jesus Christ's suffering, crucifixion, death and burial. On that day, the Order of the Crucifixion takes place. After the evening service, during the pre-holiday ceremony, the burial ceremony is performed, when the symbolic tomb of Jesus Christ, made of flowers and tree branches, is circled around the church in front of the faithful people.

"He bore our sins in His body on the cross" (1 Peter 2:24).

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