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Handing over the sovereign territories of the Republic of Armenia, the illegal decisions made by the authorities are serious crimes against the state. "Tavush for the Motherland"

Statement of the civil movement "Tavush for the Motherland".

"On the morning of April 17, Nikol Pashinyan arrived in the village of Voskepar, Tavush region, having a closed meeting with the residents of Voskepar.

The meeting took place in a closed format without telephones and media representatives.

Addressing such important issues related to the existence of the state and the entire Armenian nation in this format is problematic in itself.

It is obvious that the problem does not concern only the residents of Voskepar, Baghanis and Kirants villages. The issue of ceding strategic territories from Tavush is the issue of the entire Armenian people.

Therefore, we reiterate:

1. The issue of demarcation and demarcation of RA cannot be resolved only with the agreement or disagreement of the residents of several villages of Tavush, thus putting the responsibility of the entire future fate and territorial integrity of the state on the shoulders of our heroic villagers.

Therefore, shifting the solution of the issue only to the field of country-dwelling compatriots means removing all the blame and responsibility for the current situation and further actions from the shoulders of the head of state and leaving it on the citizens.

2. To leave the issue on the shoulders of rural compatriots in the social sense also means to instill internal division, enmity and hatred in the lives of the villagers, who may agree or disagree on this extremely important issue. Thus, the internal solidarity in the villages of Tavush, which has been preserved against all internal and external difficulties, will be destroyed.

Therefore, we declare once again that such behavior adopted by the ruling power is reprehensible. The issues of border demarcation and demarcation between Armenia and Azerbaijan cannot be solved by the efforts of a few residents of Tavush villages. The issue should be resolved in accordance with the procedures established by RA laws and international agreements. Other suggestions and ideas are illegal.

We remind you that handing over the sovereign territories of the Republic of Armenia, illegal decisions made with the authority's superiority are serious crimes against the state."

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