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Help the firefighters. observe fire safety rules. PS (Video)

June 1 to September 30 is considered a fire-risk period in the territory of the republic. In this regard, the rescue service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs urges to observe fire safety rules.

Thus, it is important to pay special attention to fire prevention and explanatory work among the population.

To avoid fires in forested and vegetated areas, it is prohibited:

1) light bonfires in unplanned places, 2) throw burning matches, unextinguished cigarette residue, 3) smoke and use open flames around fueled cars, 4) burn dry grass or pig, 5) leave bottles, pieces of glass in sunlit spaces, because they can focus the rays into incendiary lenses.

"Dear citizens, if you find a small fire, try to put it out using fire extinguishers, shovels or tree branches, wet clothes, strong cloth.

It must be ensured that the fire is extinguished and there is no threat of rekindling.

By following the rules of fire safety, you will help the firefighters, realizing that despite their 24-hour dedicated service, it is impossible to keep the forest completely and constantly in focus.

As a reminder. The RA Law on Administrative Offenses stipulates that destroying or damaging trees, bushes, and crops in forests as a result of arson or negligent handling of fire causes a fine of up to one hundred and fifty times the minimum wage (150,000 AMD).

To burn brushwood, plant residues and areas with dry vegetation, vegetation of pastures and meadows, in agricultural, forest, forest and specially protected nature lands, in the amount of fifty times (50,000 drams) to three times (300,000 drams) the minimum wage.

Dear citizens, if you notice a fire, call 911 immediately," the message states.

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