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How technology is changing the banking industry: Vadim Gerasimenko, Chief Information Officer of Amio Bank

Interview with Vadim Gerasimenko, Chief Information Officer of AMIO Bank, as part of the AMIO Pulse project.

The banking industry is being revolutionized by fintech innovations: blockchain, AI, open banking. In your opinion, which of these has the greatest potential to change the way Amiot Bank operates?

– In my opinion, blockchain and cryptocurrencies have the greatest potential. This is a real revolution that is changing the foundations of the global economy, and it is happening faster than expected. Blockchain technology is already having a significant impact on the financial sector, and its prospects for our bank are huge.

When the circulation of cryptocurrencies is allowed at the legislative level in Armenia, we will direct significant resources to the development of this sector and offer high-quality services to clients.

– Technology is evolving at an incredible pace. What is your vision for Amiot Bank’s IT department over the next 5 years and how will it transform the customer banking experience?

– We will continue to develop mobile and internet banking as key tools for digital transformation. Our goal is to provide customers with full access to banking services through intuitive and secure digital platforms.

We pay special attention to APIs and microservices. We actively use automated management systems, application deployment and scaling, enabling updates that reduce the frequency of failures. We pay great attention to monitoring and data protection to ensure security at all levels of interaction.

We are already using artificial intelligence and will gradually expand its use. Our chatbot becomes smarter with each update and replaces the operator in many cases, reducing the workload of the call center. In the future, AB will analyze data to create personalized recommendations and identify business risks.

As an IT manager, what qualities do you look for in your team members?

– I consider honesty to be the most important characteristic for my team. It is the foundation of trust, which allows us to talk openly about problems, not be afraid of mistakes, and find ways to solve them. Without honesty, effective teamwork is simply impossible.

The second is engagement. An engaged person is able to overcome many obstacles. As they say, those who want to do something will find a way, and those who don't want to will find a reason not to.

The third is self-discipline. This quality ensures organization, reliability, and predictability, especially in difficult situations. We try to attract exactly such people to our team.

What is the one skill or quality that, in your opinion, is important for success in the IT sector, especially in banking?

– In addition to honesty, I consider intelligence, self-discipline, and emotional stability, combined with strong communication skills, to be key qualities.

Intelligence allows a specialist to quickly master new technologies, analyze complex problems and find effective solutions. Next is self-discipline. Work in the IT sector is often associated with a high workload, complex projects and the need for constant self-development. Success is impossible without the ability to organize yourself, stay motivated when tired and manage time effectively.

Emotional stability and developed communication skills also play an important role. In the banking industry, where high dynamics and stress are the norm, it is important to remain calm, adapt to changes and communicate effectively with different people, both within the team and outside. A successful IT specialist must have not only technical experience, but also the ability to work harmoniously in a team, inspire colleagues and make a valuable contribution to the common cause.

If you could solve one global problem using technology, what would it be and what kind of solution would you create?

– You know, I am against killing animals. I think this is a global problem. I would deal with it first of all. The solution is very simple: lead a vegetarian lifestyle. Replace the foods or the beneficial substances that we get from meat with foods of other origin. The food industry is already quite developed and it is already possible, for example, to replace meat protein with milk, egg and vegetable proteins, etc.

What hobbies or interests do you have?

– I love working, I love continuing to develop as a professional. In my free time, I do sports or programming.

If you could express your life philosophy in one sentence, what would it be?

Probably never give up. Dream, set goals, and never give up.


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