"Hraparak": In search of a new format

The “Hraparak” newspaper writes: “Back in September, we wrote that some forces positioned in the non-governmental field were conducting consultations with the aim of forming a united front, we are talking about former Ombudsman Arman Tatoyan, former mayor Hayk Marutyan, the ANC, Suren Surenyants. Some were quick to deny that there was no such format, but, as they say, it is impossible to keep the mahat in the bag.
Yesterday, ANC Chairman Levon Zurabyan joined the protest against the increase in transportation fares organized by Hayk Marutyan. Of course, he did not give a direct answer to the question of participating in the next elections in an alliance with Marutyan, saying that talks about pre-election alliances are premature.
However, when asked whether he would rule out cooperation with Marutyan, he literally replied: "Why should I rule out?"
According to our sources, the most interested party in bringing this unification to life is the ANC, on whose behalf Levon Zurabyan is negotiating, but months of consultations have not yielded results so far, as both Tatoyan and Marutyan have great ambitions."