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If he gives these lands, he will open a way to Yerevan. wake up, it's not too late. the people of Zlatypar turn to Pashinyan.

For us, being near the border was a matter of pride, because we guarded the border of our village and our state. Narek Sahakyan, a resident of Baghanis village, stated this in the video distributed by "Hayakve" initiative.

"The more the border was strong, the more secure and strengthened the state was. The more weak we are at home or abroad, the more the borders of the country will be in a state of unrest, semi-war or war. Unfortunately, we live in that weakness," he said.

Another resident of Baghlan mentioned: "It is up to them to take our positions without a war, because from those positions we can destroy the Kazakh region. They are low, we are high. There is not a single person here who did not participate in the war. A 15-year-old child was shot with us. they won't be able to get us out of here."

Narek Beglaryan from Voskeparts emphasized that there is a 7th century church on the border. "It proves that when we founded a village here, the Turk was not here at all. To give Eskan to a Turk is the biggest insult. The goal of the Turk is to slaughter the Armenians, it is impossible to speak the language of peace with the Turk. If you think that there are Azerbaijani lands above and below, we also have lands under Azerbaijani control. Fight, claim those lands. He does not demand, unilaterally buys the concessions. Who is he trying to scare with fighting, us who have seen fighting since the day we were born? We cannot be intimidated or intimidated by it.

He does not give any guarantee that after giving those 4 villages, our population will live peacefully with them. It's impossible: After all this, I will say: he is the prime minister of my country, do I respect him? No, I don't respect him. Hurry up before it's too late, before this plot of land, the north gate, is gone. If he gives, he will open a way to Yerevan."

According to Elichka Nazaryan of Voskepart, their graves are here, they will not leave them under any circumstances. "We will fight until the end. There will be an occasion, it will be necessary, God forbid, we can take the child out, but we will stay here. This is not the issue of Voskepar alone, this road is an interstate road. We get bread that way."

Nver Beglaryan also considers that Azerbaijan's goals are very dangerous, he says: like mine, don't demand yours. "That indignity of constantly giving up, constantly being poor, that complex drives people away. In 1918, Sardarapat was the end of continuous retreat. Let the Golden Ball be the end of the retreat this time. Pashinyan stated that we must make concessions, otherwise Azerbaijan will attack us. And if we don't stay smart, Turkey will also attack. He said: we will open a new road, which is not possible, there is no room, he said: it is necessary, we will build a tunnel.

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