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In the 1980s, a protocol was drawn up confirming that there is no enclave on the territory of the Republic of Armenia. Armenia and Azerbaijan signed it. Bagratyan

Tomorrow we will talk about Tigranashen, like today about Tavush, this is a strategic point, we must inform the people that there is no document by which Tigranashen was ever part of Azerbaijan. Economist, former RA Prime Minister Hrant Bagratyan said this in a conversation with journalists in Tigranashen.

"If we conditionally accept that there is an enclave here, it is 12 km from there to Nakhichevan, Pashinyan also gives that, but it is the sovereign territory of the Republic of Armenia. It is absolutely absurd. He says that if we give him a cent, there will be a referendum, but there won't be any referendum. He says that the Azerbaijanis tell us that we took a village from them, but they did not take it, Artsvashen is lying," he said.

According to Hrant Bagratyan, after the possible surrender of Tigranashen, the road to Syunik will be cut off.

"By giving this village, the road leading to Syunik is interrupted, the village of Paruyr Sevak is in immediate danger, Chiva and Yelpin are on the way. By handing over Tigranashen, 4 villages are emptied. And if we surrender Barkhurdar in Tavush, the villages of Aygehovit, Vazashen and Paravakar will be emptied on the right, and Voskepar, Kirants, Baghanis on the left, besides, we will be deprived of the road through which we exit Georgia. We will give all this, we will sign the peace agreement, but it will not be written anywhere where Armenia begins and ends," said the former prime minister.

"Azerbaijan will demand three roads after those villages, the so-called "Crossroads of Peace" is an Azerbaijani "song", with this we should give Azerbaijan three roads through Syunik to Nakhichevan, which will be uncontrollable.

Aliyev says that I am not interested in any map, you promised in 2018, give it. In the 1980s, the leadership of Armenia, Anton Kochinyan, Karen Demirchyan raised the question that the enclaves drawn on the maps, when Armenia gave them to Azerbaijan, and discussions began. Both sides are invited to Moscow, to the head of state security, Klyuchkov, and a 193 protocol is drawn up, according to which there is 1 enclave in the territory of Azerbaijan, Artsvashen, and there is nothing in the territory of Armenia. Both Armenia and Azerbaijan signed this protocol, let them take it and study it," Bagratyan noted.

Referring to Alma Ata's declaration of 1991, which Nikol Pashinyan regularly refers to, Bagratyan noted:

"After the declaration of Alma Ata, there is the cease-fire of May 1994, which also refers to the borders of Armenia and Azerbaijan, where it was stated that everyone stays where they are standing."

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