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When it comes to Armenian-Russian, Armenia-CSTO relations, the rhetoric of Armenian and Russian officials is not different, but is at opposite poles. The authorities of Armenia endlessly emphasize that the CSTO and Russia did not fulfill their alliance obligations towards Armenia, they did not behave like a true ally that would come to the rescue at the most difficult moment when Armenia was attacked by the enemy Azerbaijan and extended a helping hand to the CSTO and Russia. : Russian officials do not seem to listen to these statements or ignore them. For example, Maria Zakharova, Russian Foreign Ministry press spokesperson, and Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexei Overchuk made statements with almost the same content, declaring that Armenia remains their CSTO ally, as Armenia has not announced its withdrawal from the structure, and Overchuk emphasized that Armenia is the most benefited from EAEU membership. is the country. What explains the existence of such diametrically opposed views? Is it possible that the Armenia-Russia conflict is an imitation, staged theater for some hidden purpose?

The first explanation can be that, with its statements, official Russia wants Armenia to clarify its point of view regarding CSTO membership. When Pashinyan announced that Armenia had frozen membership, Russian officials said that the CSTO statute does not provide for freezing membership, Armenia is either a member of that organization or it is not a member and should clarify its position. Armenia replied that the CSTO should clarify its position and answer the question of what is its area of responsibility in Armenia. Then the CSTO made a very general statement that you have not clarified your boundaries, what do you want from us, to which the official Yerevan did not respond and did not say whether that answer satisfies them or they expect a more specific answer. : For example, they want the CSTO to publish the map, the borders by which it recognizes the Republic of Armenia, which is impossible, because there is no fixed border between Armenia and Azerbaijan, which is also announced by Armenian officials and Nikol himself. Pashinyan, saying that between Armenia and Azerbaijan should be demarcated and demarcated. And until Armenia announces its withdrawal from the CSTO, it is considered a member of that organization.

Another explanation for the contrast of viewpoints can be that the Russian authorities make a difference between Armenia and the current authorities of Armenia. When they say that Armenia continues to be our ally, they mean that despite the fact that forces hostile to Russia are in power in Armenia, they consider Armenia to be an ally. It is no coincidence that the Russian authorities also separate the Armenian people and the current authorities of Armenia, constantly emphasizing that the RA authorities conduct a policy that does not correspond to the interests of the Armenian people, and the Armenian people continue to be friends and allies of the Russian people. By separating the government and the people and opposing each other, Russia shows that the current government is not eternal, that the Armenian people can have a new government that will change the foreign policy of the country, making it conform to Russia's ideas, and Armenia will continue not on paper, but in reality. be Russia's ally. It is possible that Russia will interfere in the formation of a new government in Armenia, which Pashinyan and his teammates have repeatedly talked about, saying that Russia attempted a coup in Armenia, which failed, but Russia did not abandon the idea.

But there is also a third option: is it possible that there is no problem between Armenia and Russia, and what we are seeing now is just a game, a mutually agreed upon performance, when Armenia plays anti-Russian, and Russia throws stones at the Armenian government? and that game is mutually beneficial. The meaning of this could be that Armenia, presenting itself as a bastion of anti-Russianism, receives the support of the West on the one hand, and is perceived by the West as a victim trying to get rid of the clutches of Russia, but being pressured by it, who should be helped in that liberation struggle. That is why the West turns a blind eye to some of Armenia's deviations, when, on the one hand, Armenia takes a tough anti-Russian position, but on the other hand, trade with Russia increases, helps Russia to bypass economic sanctions, and receive billions of dollars in cash flows. Russia also pretends that it is dissatisfied with the anti-Russian policy of the current government of Armenia, it wants to punish the government at all costs, but in reality it is satisfied with the existence of that government, because the same government helps it to solve many problems related to parallel imports, and recently, also with exports, when Armenia has become one of the main mediators of Russian gold exports. As for the freezing of CSTO membership or endless anti-Russian propaganda, there is no harm to Russia.

They have frozen the membership, they will leave it, yesterday they spoke against it, tomorrow they will speak for it, most importantly, today they are helping to solve important problems, to resist Western sanctions.

And what, is the West so stupid that it doesn't see all that and doesn't understand that it's a game, or are Armenia and Russia playing so convincingly that no doubts arise? It is possible that this game is somewhat beneficial to the West, it is also possible that Pashinyan was called to Brussels for this very reason, demanding to break the economic ties with Russia, leaving the EAEU to join the anti-Russian sanctions. In return, they will promise some compensations, which will supposedly soften the negative consequences of breaking economic relations with Russia, but they will not allow them to play on their fingers.

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