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Is USAID forming a "deep state" in Armenia? "Fact"

"Fact" daily writes: RA Deputy Prime Minister Mher Grigoryan and Director of the Armenian Mission of the United States Agency for International Development John Alelo signed the amendment to the development cooperation grant agreement between RA and the USA. As a result of the latter, the threshold of the amount provided under the USAID agreement is more than doubled, from 120 million dollars to 250 million dollars, as well as the areas of joint projects are expanded.

In general, after the change of power in 2018, i.e., during the prime ministership of Nikol Pashinyan, the activities of USAID in RA have increased, and the funding has increased. Many experts note that it is part of the American policy in the conjuncture of the Russia-USA "Cold War" and is clearly done in order to support the anti-Russian foreign policy direction of the CP and pro-Western circles and significantly increase the dose of anti-Russian sentiment in the public.

And what is USAID? The "Republic Square" telegram channel touched on this topic the other day, specifically noting that USAID is the "soft power" of the US special services, and that organization is engaged in creating intelligence networks and "growing" agents of influence in different countries of the world. The authors express the opinion that USAID will continue to form a network of NGOs in RA, which will implement a policy of "cutting off" RA from Russia and will engage in lobbying for the interests of the West, as well as increase anti-Russian sentiments in RA. .

"The USA has formed a lobbying network for its geopolitical interests in Armenia in the form of thousands of NGOs that implement various programs in environmental, IT, business, media and many other fields, which include many layers of economic and civil society and spheres", the channel notes and recalls a number of programs implemented in Armenia in 2023 and summarizes, thus, USAID has become an influential factor in Armenia, a "shadow government" that creates a "deep state" in Armenia. , which will serve American geopolitical interests under the general coordination of the US Embassy in Armenia.

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