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It was not advisable to keep those trees just to provide shade. Alik Badalyan

Alik Badalyan wrote on his Facebook page.

“I'm going to get a professional qualification as a forester and landscaping specialist after completing my bachelor's degree in a few months. Following the reactions of the replacement works of dead trees in Yerevan and the professional assessments of non-specialists, I decided, as a future specialist, to express my opinion. were damaging the leaves. With such problems, the tree could not survive, and it was not advisable to keep these trees just to provide shade. To get a better idea of what functions a tree performs, it is necessary to first get acquainted with its physiological and morphological structure. Since the beginning of summer, the leaves of these trees are already damaged, deprived of chlorophyll, so they do not carry out full photosynthesis and do not emit oxygen, they cannot even provide full shade, and if in some cases the natural wood is not even damaged, then the foliage is reticulated and twisted on one side, which is not suitable for the capital, because which gives the city a shabby, unkempt look. In all cities, the generation change of trees is carried out, and this is not strange, but an accepted order. There was a balloon among many of the cut trees. there were trees that didn't have puff, and some "experts" reported these as healthy trees, but professional education would be required before making such judgments, and it would be noticeable that the existing wood had defects, such as false heartwood, where they could occur. fungal rotting diseases, and the tree would begin to rot. Many people were concerned why it was not possible to do it little by little, even some "experts" expressed the opinion that it is necessary to do the planting by cutting down the trees one at a time. As I already said, the cut trees were already diseased and could transmit the disease to the newly planted trees. And again it is important to emphasize that these decisions were made by a narrow professional group, where I work with highly respected specialists who have a great contribution to the development of the field." :

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