"Nissan X-Trail" and a freight train collided in Kakhsi, the victim is the former director of the school. Shamshyan:

Today, on November 14, another collision between a freight train and a car took place in Kotayk marz. At around 12:00, a "Nissan X-Trail" car driven by a 53-year-old resident of Kotayk region, Vachagan Melkonyan, collided with a freight train in the 1st district of Qaghsi village, near the railway crossing.
As photojournalist Gagik Shamshyan reports from the scene, as a result of the accident, the driver of "Nissan", who was the first to be helped by the citizens and the emergency team of Hrazdan Medical Center emergency doctors, was transferred to "Hrazdan" Medical Center.
Due to the fact of the accident, criminal proceedings have been initiated in the investigative department, where the identity of the train driver is revealed.
G. According to Shamshyan, the driver of "Nissan" is the former director of the school of Qaghsi village.