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Pashinyan meekly agrees to change the border, destroy Armenia's positions in Tavush, bringing new strategic challenges to us. Ashotyan

RPA Vice President Armen Ashotyan, who is a political prisoner, answered the questions addressed to him by the citizens remotely from the "Nubarashen" penal institution.

Narine Yesayan asked: "Azerbaijan demands 4 villages of Tavush, what kind of developments do you think will take place?"

"I have no doubt that at this pace, Pashinyan will hand over those 4 villages without getting anything in return. He will continue to obey all Aliyev's demands. It is no coincidence that Nikol also "announced" that the demarcation process can start from Tavush marz. It is the only part of the Armenian-Azerbaijani border that has remained unchanged after 2018, where the defense lines created during the "former" era are there, they are strong, they are relatively secured and normally equipped. Not to mention the deplorable condition of the rest of the border areas...

And here in Tavush, Aliyev demands to change the border, naturally, improving his own positions and creating new fundamental problems for Armenia. Wouldn't it be more logical from the Armenian side to voice the priority of border delimitation in other areas, for example, Syunik, Vayots Dzor, Gegharkunik? where Azerbaijan invaded the sovereign territory of Armenia. On the other hand, Nikol agrees to destroy Armenia's positions in Tavush, bringing new strategic challenges to us.

Where is he in a hurry? According to him, the West is already ready to protect us, and the EU monitoring mission, according to him, ensures the integrity of our borders.

In fact, Nikol has become a geopolitical gambler, who is ready to stubbornly stay in that casino and put Armenia's last underpants as a bet instead of leaving the casino and at least maintaining what it is at this stage," answered Armen Ashotyan.

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