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"People". New repressions ahead of "hot autumn". all opponents are targeted

"Zhoghovurd" daily writes: "The Armenian authorities are preparing for the autumn session of the National Assembly, which will start on September 9, ahead of the "hot autumn". "Zhoghovurd" daily wrote that the NA CP faction will gather on Saturday at the government summer house in Sevan to decide what to do on the instructions of Nikol Pashinyan, because the opposition has also announced that they will resume gatherings and actions demanding the resignation of the authorities in the fall.

Yesterday's meeting of the "Civil Agreement" faction in the National Assembly showed the strong disposition of the CP members towards the oppositionists, and today they will continue discussions in Sevan about what steps they will take against the oppositionists.

According to the information of "Zhoghovurd" daily newspaper, CP members intend not only to oppress the National Assembly with political speeches, but also to "subjugate and silence the opposition" in all ways.

There is an internal decision in CP to be intolerant towards all opposition political forces. those forces that "dare" to show activity, go against the authorities and organize protests, demonstrations, will be immediately punished and subjected to severe pressure from the authorities.

The authorities are ready to carry out widespread criminal prosecutions and arrests, including even taking such actions against the representatives of the parliamentary opposition.

Seyran Ohanyan, head of the Hayastan faction of the National Assembly, said in a conversation with the "Zhoghovurd" daily. "I don't have such information, but it is not far from these authorities. Since 2018, there has been pressure on former military personnel, various heads of state, and all those who oppose the authorities."

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