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"People". The conflict has no military solution. The US ambassador about the US response to a possible attack on Armenia

"Zhoghovurd" daily writes: "Continued violence can undermine the progress of Armenia and Azerbaijan towards a lasting and dignified peace.

In response to the inquiry of "Zhoghovurd" daily, this was reported by the US Embassy in Armenia.

Thus, on April 1, "Zhoghovurd" daily newspaper addressed to the US Ambassador to Armenia Christina Quinn with a written request, asking her to answer several questions regarding Nikol Pashinyan's statements regarding the handover of Tavush villages.

In particular, we asked the US ambassador to answer what information the ambassador has, where the Republic of Armenia begins and where it ends.

Which year's maps does the international community consider legitimate and proposes to implement the demarcation with those maps?

Why does the ambassador, as a bright representative of the international community, not make efforts so that Azerbaijan, which has occupied the sovereign territories of Armenia in Syunik, Gegharkunik and Jermuk since 2021, withdraws? And if he makes efforts, then why is there no success?

On March 18, during a meeting with residents of Tavush Marz, the RA Prime Minister announced that if the demarcation process does not start within 1 week, that is, the territories are not handed over, then a war will begin. What information does the ambassador have, is war inevitable, and if there is an attack on RA, how will the international community react to it?

"The United States supports Armenia's sovereignty and territorial integrity. We hope that Armenia and Azerbaijan will sign a lasting peace agreement that will recognize that sovereignty and territorial integrity. and the sooner, the better.

The United States has clearly indicated that this conflict has no military solution. We believe that the ongoing violence can undermine the progress of Armenia and Azerbaijan towards a lasting and dignified peace."

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