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"People". The main "sponsor" of Yerevan floods is "Veolia Water".

"Zhoghovurd" daily writes: "Each time after heavy rains, Yerevan turns into "Armenian Venice". Perhaps everything would be really beautiful if after every rain a shameful situation did not arise in all of Yerevan. Rainwater floods streets, shops, houses, and people's cars go under water. The relevant structures avoid responsibility by blaming one another. When we apply to the municipality regarding the problem, to understand who is ultimately responsible for the situation, when this disgraceful situation disappears, they direct "Veolia water", clarifying that they are responsible for the drainage process. This problem, perhaps, has very deep roots.

Firstly, urban development planning has not been carried out in Yerevan for decades, which would have allowed to avoid such situations, besides, the water pipes and sewers in the capital are also in a shameful state. they have not been updated or repaired since time immemorial, therefore they do not perform their intended functions properly.

In the capital, especially in recent years, many newly built apartments and buildings have been added, which are also connected to the water pipes in such a bad condition. For the sake of justice, we should mention that heavy rains are a threat even for very developed European countries, large cities, where floods also occur after rains.

In particular, many cities and villages of Poland, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia and especially the Czech Republic have been flooded for two days.

Indeed, there are many problems in Yerevan, among which the most urgent solution is the modernization of the water system and putting an end to the floods, and for this the municipality is obliged to develop a new and effective urban planning program. while the same municipality is forced to spend money from Yerevan's budget formed with taxpayers' money to eliminate or prevent the consequences of emergency situations, which it is not even responsible for."

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