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"People". Why are the present afraid only of the return of the "formers"?

"Zhoghovurd" daily writes: "During every activity in the political field, Nikol Pashinyan circulates theses that this or that leader is directly or indirectly led by the "formers". And, therefore, the question arises: why are the current actors afraid of the "former" ones? It is clear that in case of any change, we are talking about a change of power, it will bring with it serious consequences for the current government of Armenia handing over the homeland. However, especially in the case of the return of the "formers", the most severe punishment will be inevitable for the perpetrators, who during the 6 years of their activity handed over the third Armenian republic to the enemy, gave about 5000 victims, and they continue to rule in the most corrupt way, destroying all kinds of values in our country.

This is why the current authorities are especially afraid of the "formers". they will punish the perpetrators more severely."

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