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"Publication". Special police teams were dispatched to Voskepar

"Hraparak" newspaper writes: "After Nikol Pashinyan's visit to Tavush about ten days ago and his "warm" reception, it turns out that he has made a decision to treat his compatriots accordingly. Special police teams have been sent to Voskepar, Baghanis and neighboring communities, which are carrying out enhanced service, finding ordinary villagers who have given interviews to the media and conducting explanatory work with them, urging them not to give interviews anymore, explaining that they are not helping, but harming them. to the case, "they stir Aliyev's anger".

Of course, the Ministry of Internal Affairs will hasten to deny that fact, but many people know about it, and one of the proofs of this is that the residents of Tavush are more passive in recent days than immediately after Pashinyan's visit. Now it has become almost impossible to get a word from the people of Tavush."

More details in today's issue of the newspaper

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