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In response to the question of the Swiss RSI journalist, Pope Francis said: "The stronger one is the one who thinks about people, the one who has the courage to raise the white flag and negotiate. Today it is possible to negotiate with the help of international forces." The Pope is not only the leader of Christians all over the world, and his statements are usually of a political nature, but also landmark. Naturally, this statement regarding Ukraine could not be simply due to the humanist impulses of the Pope or as an opinion of an individual clergyman, it has a concrete goal to stop the fratricidal war in Ukraine, where the Ukrainian side suffers first of all.

And why was such a statement suddenly made by the spiritual leader of the West? Maybe the West has begun to come to terms with the idea that they are in a "tupick" on the Ukrainian front, and through the lips of the Pope, who has great authority, he is voicing what political figures do not want to openly say. to announce

And perhaps, as Russian political scientist Modest Kolerov said in an interview with "Hraparak", the Pope's statement was a moral call, the spiritual leader of the West considered it his duty to contribute to stopping the fratricidal bloody war. In fact, it turns out that Ukraine was sacrificed for a third party in a war where no one would win, moreover, Ukraine did not have such a chance, but instead found itself in a situation where it can be divided by the hands of the parties that have been supporting Ukraine until now. In parallel, US President Joe Biden announces that there are no American soldiers and will not be sent to Ukraine to participate in the war against Russia, but they will continue to support Ukraine by providing weapons to fight against Russia.

President of Ukraine Zelensky also spoke in favor of continuing the war, who described the above-mentioned statement of the Pope as "virtual support" which is manifested "from a distance of 2,500 km". By carefully following the statements coming from the collective West, we can state that not everything went according to plan, and now something has changed. After all, the promised supplies of weapons and aviation to Ukraine, which are so expected by the Ukrainian military and really make a difference on the front, are not coming true. Vadim Vasilchuk, a Ukrainian soldier, mentioned this regularly in his conversation with us.

Speaking to Hraparak, Suren Petrosyan, an adviser in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and co-founder of the Stay with Ukriane charitable foundation, said that it should have been like that. "Vatican recognizes Russia as the heir of the Soviet Union, therefore everything should have led to it. If we remember the Second World War, the Vatican kept all the Reichs (Third Reich: the unofficial name of the German state from March 24, 1933 to May 23, 1945 H. A.), then gave them different citizenships, different took and kept in the states, those people died their own death, they were fascists. Today, the Vatican supports the Russians, Putin is their project," said Petrosyan. Enmity is enmity, whether it is the Vatican or another state. When asked how fair is Biden's statement that they are only ready to provide weapons to Ukraine, but not to send soldiers, Petrosyan said that the goal of the Russian-Ukrainian war was to turn Russia into a gray zone, so that the world's criminals, problems, and it is easy to lead people with problems, therefore, they will agree to perform any task or demand in order to enter the country. "What is the USA doing and why is it giving weapons? since Russia can still be weakened by the hands of Ukraine, what is the need to settle in? Turkey will do the same with regard to Crimea, I told you about it some time ago. Now Turkey is supposedly a friend of Ukraine, as if it is a friend of Russia, it is good with everyone, but Turkey has its own goals regarding Crimea, because in the 1990s, Tatars from Uzbekistan and other places, who had some old connection with Crimea, were brought and filled. Crimea, so that they would carry out work and take Crimea. And today, Russia is weakening because of Ukraine, that one day it will weaken, Turkish peacekeepers will enter Crimea and tell Ukraine that you have free entry and exit, just like North Cyprus. There is an entrance for Cypriots, the Turks say: come, do whatever you want, but it is a gray zone, Turkey has been keeping that area like that for 40 years. Now it is a practice for him, he will do a new practice, he will take Crimea, he will say: the Tatars are our Muslim brothers, we must own them, the Ukrainians are our close people, but we must keep them, because the Russian is one, he will reach you." - said our interlocutor.

Suren Petrosyan is sure that that day will come and Turkey will try to take Crimea from Ukraine. "In the case of these developments, what kind of president is Volodymyr Zelensky for Ukraine?" The advisor in the Verkhovna Rada said that not only Zelensky, but the entire political field of Ukraine are prisoners of the created situation. "Sometimes I make a joke, a bitter joke, that Ukraine is a very beautiful girl who is ownerless, they take her wherever they want, whoever she wants, she takes her, it's such a bad situation. In international contacts, you realize that you are alone, there are no friends. What did Poland do? They suspended 147 billion euros of their European Union funding, the Poles made various statements, they restored its provision, they gave 1.5 billion to the complainants to stay smart. Germany gave 12 Leopards, received 100 billion dollars in aid from the USA. Who can sell 12 Leopards for 100 billion? they traded at record prices. That's why they sold everything they had from African countries all over the world to Ukraine. After that, who would want it to stop, how much money are they making? As if someone has a constantly working factory, they say to close it," concluded Petrosyan.

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