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Senior week. Easter candle

Great Lent started on February 12. The Great Lent period lasts 48 days, from the Great Carnival to St. On the eve of the Resurrection (Easter) holiday.

The week immediately following Great Lent is called Holy Saturday and includes the last important events of the Savior's earthly life: the triumphal entry into Jerusalem (Adoration), the Last Supper, the Prayer, the Passion, the Crucifixion, the Death, the Burial and finally the miraculous Resurrection - St. Easter, which this year will be celebrated on March 31.

Holy Week , this day is the image and pattern of the seventh day of creation, when God rested from all His works. God created the world in six days and rested on the seventh day. In the past days, God was honored with creation, and on this day, with blessing and holiness.

This great Sabbath commemorates the Lord's burial and resting in the tomb (Matt. IE 57-61). On this day, Jesus destroyed hell, the house of suffering for human souls, and opened the rest house, Heaven. And upon reaching the seventh period, the Lord will come again and grant the righteous the kingdom prepared for them from the beginning of the world, eternal rest.

According to Church order, a new day begins after the evening service. In the evening, it is served in St. Liturgy, at the end of which the good news of the Savior's miraculous Resurrection is announced. "Christ rose from the dead, blessed is the resurrection of Christ."

Great Lent ends with this good news.

Although the commemoration of the Lord's burial is Holy Saturday, the main burial ceremony takes place on Good Friday evening. And on the evening of Holy Saturday, S. The Paschal Candlelight Ceremony, thus concluding the week of the Lord's Passion and heralding His resurrection from the dead.

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