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Standing next to the RA Prime Minister, the Secretary General of NATO was making a provocation. Marukyan

Standing next to the RA Prime Minister, the Secretary General of NATO was making a provocation. This was mentioned today, on March 20, referring to the visit of the Secretary General of NATO to Armenia, the former ambassador of Armenia with special assignments, head of the "Bright Armenia" party, Edmon Marukyan.

"Under the conditions that Armenia is discussing the unilateral implementation of Azerbaijan's demands. it refers to the delineation of the Tavush region, which is a one-way process, that is, Azerbaijan does not accept any map, line, according to which it leaves that territory, therefore people have a feeling of injustice. Why is it one-sided, why do they not recognize any line, and withdraw from it, and only Armenia withdraws? In these conditions, the Secretary General of NATO, who also visited Azerbaijan, comes to Armenia and declares that he supports Armenia's territorial integrity and peace, but he is unable to tell Azerbaijan: Ilham Aliyev, you accepted a statement on mutual recognition in Prague, therefore mutual recognition. are the administrative borders of the Soviet Union, and they cannot be unilaterally rearranged only for Armenia, you have occupied 215 square kilometers of territory, vital roads, pastures, and a reservoir of 31 villages, you should also leave those territories," he said.

According to him, has NATO taken other steps besides throwing countries into war? "What else happened?" What does it mean: "Armenia should decide to become a member of NATO", that is, you become a placeholder, let wars take place in your territory, massacre yourself, we will applaud your bravery, we will support you, we will send a few rockets or not, but you will be slaughtered. They will discuss and then decide that it is not worth it for Armenia to become a member of NATO, but we will support you."

Marukyan also mentioned that standing next to the RA Prime Minister, the Secretary General of NATO was doing provocation. "He said that Putin should not win the war. Brother, you are making such a statement in the territory of Armenia, that we should get a new enemy for Armenia, that you are making such a statement in Armenia, are you familiar with the challenges of Armenia, Armenia is facing these challenges alone?"

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