Taron Margaryan has made a decision: "Hraparak"

"Hraparak" writes: As is known, the agenda of the regular parliamentary sessions on March 25 will also include the issue of discussing the Prosecutor General's petitions to deprive former CP member Hovik Aghazaryan and former Yerevan mayor, deputy of the "I Have Honor" bloc Taron Margaryan of immunity.
We were informed that the deputies of the PU led by Serzh Sargsyan have already decided not to participate in those sessions, declaring that they are dealing with a legal farce. In addition, we were told that Taron Margaryan expressed such a desire so that he would not have to give explanations from the podium and be subjected to attacks by the CP members, and the “Armenia” bloc has not yet made a final decision on whether to participate in those discussions or not.