The answer to the question of who brought Nikol can be found on YouTube and Facebook in 2018. In this meaningless noise, you will not find the answer to the most important question: who will remove...

7 years have passed since 2018. During this time, national elections have taken place, numerous local elections, there has been a coalition government, a brutal, directed and defeated war, there has been a renunciation of Artsakh, then a surrender. About 20,000 hectares of Armenia's sovereign territory are occupied. Former Armenian Ambassador to the Holy See Mikael Minasyan wrote about this on his Facebook page.
"Many large and small, historic and tragic events have taken place, centered around the 2021 elections. Elections whose results were not disputed by anyone, and the main actors declared it a victory."
After 2021, the people finally found themselves in a shameful state. The destruction of Artsakh de facto entered a practical phase, which de jure ended 1 year later, and Armenia took the path of euthanasia.
And after all this, the people who had undertaken to rid the country of the Nikol disease are, 7 years later, looking for the ghost of the one who brought Nikol in 2018.
The greatest drama of this search is that very often they come across their own or their loved ones' tracks. They get confused halfway through and stop because they understand the danger of this task. It is dangerous and absolutely pointless. It is dangerous because they are confronting themselves and having to justify themselves, and it is absolutely pointless because they do not have the honesty to say that what happened was a revolution.
And here is the explanation for the profound failure of the struggle against Nikol. The people handed power to Nikol through the revolution, and in that same revolution, the people found their only collective victory and the greatest way not to make a mistake and not to face responsibility. And every time reality presents the people with a choice: revolution or Artsakh, revolution or dignity, and now revolution or Armenia, the people consistently choose revolution.
If the people do not want to accept the negative and disastrous consequences of the revolution, then the other side, the classical opposition, does not want to accept the fact that there was a revolution. The reason is simple: They do not want to admit that they are the cause of the revolution and are directly responsible. Avoiding talking about the deep causes of the revolution, the opposition has no choice but to reject it and repeat the question “who brought Nikol in 2018” like a mantra. Such an alignment of forces is beneficial only to one person, Nikol, who takes advantage of the mistakes of the people and the opposition and manages to hold on to power.
This pointless fight is proof of one thing: these people are unable to offer a way to get rid of Nikol, and are unable to take responsibility for it, so at best they are preparing to repeat the bitter experience of 2021: namely, to go to revolutionary elections, denying the fact of the revolution, but remaining within the paradigm of the revolution.
You can find the answer to the question of who brought Nikol on YouTube and Facebook in 2018.
You can find the answer to the question of who held Nikol on the CEC website and again on Facebook.
And in this meaningless noise, you won't find the answer to the most important question: who will remove Nikol?
"Either answer this question or calm down," he wrote.