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"The CP group must disappear, be driven from our country." CP-Akan's aunt

"Tavush for the Motherland" movement led by Bagrat Srbazan has been in Syunik since yesterday. Today, Bagrat Srbazan was in Kapan, the regional center, he met with the people of Kapan, and listened to their concerns. Narek Ghahramanyan's aunt, Ruzanna Ghahramanyan, also came to the meeting with the bishop. The latter said in a conversation with "Hraparak" that after 2020, he no longer communicates with Ghahramanyan.

He answered the question: How does he imagine the future of Armenia under this government? "I don't see a future, this government should be changed immediately." According to him, the reception of Pashinyan who visited Kapa, which was attended by the columnists who allegedly supported him, was arranged and made up.

"They took some of them and told them: say this, say that. At the very least, you must be weak and underdeveloped to accept someone who destroys you in such a way. A few people were given certain amount of money to come and praise Pashinyan's disgusting image. They must be driven from our country, that CP gang must disappear. They are devoid of human values, they only want to eat, drink and have fun," he said.

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