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"The events of September did not happen just like that." Coming soon

Russian peacekeepers did the main thing, which should not be forgotten. they brought peace and stability to the region. Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Galuzin said this in an interview with the Russian media.

"Thanks to Russian efforts, including at the cost of the lives of 6 of our peacekeepers, it was possible to avoid significant casualties among the civilian population. 2023 with the active mediation of the Russian peacekeeping force. On September 20, literally in one day, an agreement was reached to stop hostilities, and negotiations began between the Armenian population of Nagorno-Karabakh and representatives of the Azerbaijani authorities. Our peacekeepers provided shelter to the residents and provided humanitarian aid. It should be noted that the September events did not happen just like that. The RA authorities recognized the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, including Nagorno-Karabakh as part of Azerbaijan, in 2022. at the summit held in Prague under the auspices of the EU in October. Moreover, Yerevan did not inform us about it. At that time, the issue of ensuring the rights and security of the Armenian population of the region was not discussed either. Undoubtedly, this decision of the Armenian leadership regarding Karabakh radically changed the fundamental conditions under which the 2020 Agreement was signed. the tripartite statement of November 9. The decision also directly affected the peacekeeping activities," he said.

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