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The right of collective return of Artsakh people should be included in the agenda of negotiations. Declaration of the political forces of Artsakh and Armenia

The current authorities of Armenia have a historical responsibility and are obliged to make diplomatic efforts to prevent the danger of complete isolation of our state in the region and the loss of subjectivity. For that, the first and inevitable condition is to have a clear position in the negotiation process and demonstrate principled behavior.

The political forces of Artsakh and Armenia issued a statement about this.

"We, the undersigned, demand from the authorities of Armenia to include in the foreign policy agenda and to make the demand of the Artsakh people to exercise their collective right to return to Artsakh under international guarantees a subject of mandatory discussion within the framework of the negotiation process.

The ethnic cleansing and depatriation of the people of Artsakh is the result of Azerbaijan's gross violation of the norms of international law and political agreements, and there is no international actor who will be able to deny the right of the Armenian side to bring the issue to the agenda.

Living freely in their thousand-year-old homeland without obstacles and with international guarantees is the inalienable right of the Artsakh people and its precondition is the collective return, which is stipulated by international fundamental conventions and documents, as well as by the decisions of the International Court of Justice regarding Artsakh.

There can be no expectation of peace in the South Caucasus, let alone a guarantee, until the Armenian side formulates and brings the demand for justice to the agenda. The proof of this is the behavior of Azerbaijan and the futile attempts of the Armenian side to achieve peace. It is not possible to achieve peace and settlement in a situation where one of the parties is deprived of the opportunity to defend its interests.

We are sure that the establishment of stable peace in the region can be achieved only with the collective return of the people of Artsakh, under international guarantees. We are sure that this is understood by all actors of the region and involved in it. It is the responsibility of the Armenian government, at least in this matter, to demonstrate diplomatic skill and political will in favor of neutralizing existential threats to Armenia and the Armenian people.

"Azat Hayrenik-CMD" faction

Artsakh structure of "Armenian Revolutionary Federation".

"Justice" Party of Artsakh

Artsakh "democratic" party

"Armenia" alliance

"I have honor" alliance

"National Security" party

"Democratic Party of Armenia".

"Republican Party of Armenia".

"Hayakve" civil initiative

"Together" movement," the statement said.

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