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Today is the day of adoption of the declaration of independence of RA

Today is the 34th anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence of Armenia.

In 1990 on August 23, the Supreme Council of Soviet Armenia adopted the 12-point document, thus starting the legal process of Armenia's independence.

The adoption of the document was preceded by lengthy discussions and debates in the Central Committee. Prior to that, by the August 4 decision of the Cabinet of Ministers, a commission for the preparation of the declaration of independence of Armenia was established, which included 15 deputies. A few days later, the draft of the declaration was ready. And the Declaration was adopted as a result of absolute consensus among all forces represented in the Central Committee. Aram Manukyan, representing the Armenian Nationalist Party, read it at the Central Committee.

With the first point of the declaration, the Armenian SSR was renamed the Republic of Armenia, abbreviated as Armenia, which was to have its own flag, coat of arms and anthem.

The second point said that Armenia is a sovereign state.

In the fifth point, it is stated that the Republic of Armenia creates its own armed forces, internal troops, state and public security bodies subordinate to the Supreme Council in order to ensure its security and the integrity of its borders.

The sixth point of the declaration stipulates that Armenia, as a subject of international law, conducts an independent foreign policy, establishes direct relations with other states, national-state entities of the USSR.

Each point of the declaration was adopted by a separate vote.

However, the most debate was about whether the issue of the Armenian Genocide should find a place in the legal document.

The Speaker of the Parliament, Levon Ter-Petrosyan and his political team, ANM, considered that, from a political and diplomatic point of view, putting the issue of genocide in the Declaration of Independence is not correct and that it can be addressed in another document. However, since the majority of deputies were in favor of that provision. ANM gave in to that demand, but with a politically subtle wording. The document says: Armenia stands in support of 1915. International recognition of the Armenian Genocide in Ottoman Turkey and Western Armenia.

However, 25 MPs voted against including the clause in the Declaration.

The 12th clause at the end of the declaration said that this document serves as a basis for the development of the Constitution, and for the implementation of amendments and additions to the current Constitution, the activities of state bodies, and the development of new legislation of the republic.

The Declaration of Independence of Armenia is the founding document of the Republic of Armenia. And this became the basis already in 1991. referendum to be held in September.

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