Tsarukyan publicized the "True Armenia" model, which is anchored on national and public solidarity. Surenyants

Yesterday, Gagik Tsarukyan published an article that is essentially conceptual and completely fits into the logic of the "True Armenia" model of Armenia's post-war development. Political scientist Suren Surenyants wrote about this.
"I have a request: when discussing and covering my activities, this or that initiative, I ask you not to present me as the leader of the Prosperous Armenia Party," Tsarukyan wrote. Tsarukyan proposes a new rule of the game, because "... the situation we find ourselves in requires solutions that we cannot approach in old, frozen ways."
Tsarukyan formulates the idea of national and state revival, considering the way to achieve it to be the restoration of internal solidarity. Tsarukyan places internal solidarity not on desires, illusions, toasts, patriotic pathos, but on a specific idea, the need to unite the worthy - meritocracy. “We now need a consolidation of healthy, capable forces and individuals. We must join forces, stand shoulder to shoulder, to get the country out of this situation,” he says.
Thus, Gagik Tsarukyan publicized the "True Armenia" model, which, in essence, is anchored on the principles of national and public solidarity, realistic solutions, supra-party consolidation of capable people, non-standard decisions, and political and individual responsibility.
With exactly the same vision, the "Democratic Alternative" party is participating in the Gyumri City Council snap elections, presenting the "True Armenia" model on a local level.
Our “Right City” or “Right Gyumri” concept is designed to ensure effective governance in Gyumri, with professional staff and public consent. The goal of our program is the idea of Gyumri’s revival.
"Gyumri will overcome the disaster zone complex, becoming an important landmark for our state and national revival."