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Yandex presented a new version of Alisa. it is smarter and can serve as a virtual babysitter

Yandex introduced a new version of the Alice assistant based on the YandexGPT neural network. The developers note that now it is already possible to communicate with a virtual assistant, as with an intelligent, thinking interlocutor; Alyssa can explain complex concepts and phenomena, suggest ideas, and maintain the context of a conversation. The new Alice is available to all users on all major devices and platforms.

This version of Alice has learned to explain complicated things in simple terms. Now he answers 95% of the questions and can indicate the source of the information. A separate chat with Alisa has appeared on to work with texts, in which it is possible, for example, to create theses, slogans and other texts. Conversation is synchronized between devices. it is possible to start a chat on a computer and continue on a smartphone. In addition, it is possible to conduct several conversations at the same time. each chat preserves the context and history of the communication without mixing them together.

Alisa can now be interacted with like a human, switching from one topic to another, say the creators of the assistant. Alyssa has learned to keep the context of the conversation and ask follow-up questions, as people do when they don't understand something. And if the interlocutor is distracted or engrossed in thoughts, the assistant will wait for his response.

The company also introduced Alisa Pro, which provides access to Yandex's most powerful generative neural network, now it is YandexGPT 3 Pro. Thanks to him, Alisa is able to give detailed answers, work with different styles and formats, follow instructions under several conditions.

Alisa Pro has also mastered the skills of a virtual babysitter. he can wake up his owners on time, do exercises with them, and before going to bed he will remind you to brush your teeth. The Pro version is available to Yandex Plus subscribers and costs 100 rubles per month.

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